
Year 5

Year 5 marks the beginning of children’s learning journey in Upper Key Stage 2 where they learn and master a higher level of understanding whilst continuing to discover the joy of learning. 

Reading knowledge are learned through a wider range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry linked to age-appropriate interest level. Pupils encounter texts which are structures in different ways and read for a range of purposes. Delving deeper, they discuss and evaluate how authors use language, including figurative language, considering the impact it may have on the reader. Pupils are encouraged share their opinions of texts through recommendations and providing justifications for their views.

Writing knowledge and skills are further developed across our bespoke writing curriculum. Children learn more about what it means to be an author, reflecting their understanding of audience and purpose by selecting appropriate vocabulary and grammar. Increasingly complex concepts of vocabulary, grammar and punctuation are learned and applied within their own writing to convey meaning and enhance their reader’s experience. Children learn concepts such as relative clauses, commas to clarify meaning, and subjunctive forms.  

Learning in maths is underpinned by the principal focus of ensuring pupils extend their understanding of the number system and place value as they progress to larger numbers, including decimal form. Pupils continue to learn through the mathematical areas of number, measurement, geometry and statistics. Reasoning and problem solving knowledge and skills are developed further, deepening understanding and mastering concepts. 

With this deeper understanding, comes preparation and confidence to tackle the final phase of primary school: Year 6.

Find termly curriculum overviews here.
Year overview 22/23
“I am really enjoying Year 5. I am learning a lot and I am really proud of my independent writing.” Georgia. “I love the Earth and Space topic we are learning about at the moment. I am curious to know what is beyond our galaxy”. Noah. "I am enjoying maths even though it can still be challenging.” Devon.
The children are going to learn a lot about the world this half-term and I am excited to see what progress they will make. I have been very impressed with the children’s positive attitude to learning and embracing new challenges thus far and I cannot wait to see what the rest of the year will bring.
Mrs Chesterfield