
Year 3

Year 3 is the first phase of children’s learning journey in Key Stage 2. Here, children’s learning builds upon acquired knowledge and skills from Key Stage 1. 

Reading is taught through ‘Fred’s Teaching’ where children explore a wide range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry, linked to curriculum themes and wider-world topics. Children make predictions related to texts, summarise their reading, make inferences, and identify how language, structure and presentation contribute to meaning. Children become increasingly secure in their fluency and comprehension abilities, enabling them to be independent, fluent and enthusiastic readers, who read widely and fluently. 

When writing, children become an author themselves! Through out school’s bespoke writing curriculum, children encounter first-hand experiences, develop their oracy skills and learn curriculum content – all of which contributes to their own individual piece of writing. Children produce a wide range of texts across multiple genres, including narratives, instructions, letters and a wide range of poetry styles. 

In maths, children become increasingly fluent with whole numbers and the four operations including number facts and the concept of place value.  Children develop efficient written and mental methods of calculation and perform these accurately with increasingly large whole numbers. Children develop their ability to solve a range of problems, including those with fractions, whilst developing mathematical reasoning. Children’s knowledge of multiplication and division facts continue to grow as they learn the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables. 

Children, at the end of Year 3, are well-equipped for their next stage of learning in Year 4.

Find termly curriculum overviews here.
Year overview 22/23
I have been super impressed with the progress all children are making with their learning, especially with reading, writing and maths. As we embrace the start of another new year I am looking forward to the time we have left together on our learning journey. ...
Mrs Moore
My favourite thing to learn in Y3 has column addition and subtraction because it was new to me.