
Headteacher's welcome

A very warm welcome to our primary school where it is my great privilege to lead such a caring, enthusiastic and supportive team of staff.

Meadowdale Academy has been a part of many developments over the past decade, moving to become a primary school from a middle school in 2012 and joining the North East Learning Trust in 2022. I am delighted to be part of the Academy’s future in its journey to excellence. 

We are incredibly fortunate to situated in the ancient market town of Bedlington, rich in its history of industry. The community has a long-standing history of enhancing the school’s offer to its pupils. We foster and celebrate these assets within our curriculum to enhance the learning experiences of all pupils. 

Staff and pupils alike value to the role parents and carers play in ensuring success for all pupils. Our home-school partnerships are key to ensuring academic progress and success. We aspire to further develop these partnerships across our setting to ensure the best possible outcomes for all.

At Meadowdale Academy, we share one common goal: to ensure every child experiences excellence every day. Staff and governors across the organisation strive to achieve this goal daily through our curriculum, wider-curriculum and pupils’ everyday experiences in the setting.

Pupils at the Academy are hard-working, resilient and committed to their learning. We nurture and develop these qualities to ensure pupils develop into well-rounded citizens who are able to succeed in their educational futures and their lives beyond school. 

We have an incredible team of staff here, some of whom are specialists in key curriculum areas, who use their expertise to enhance our curriculum and the experiences we offer children. We utilise staff’s knowledge and skills to provide innovative, fun and stimulating learning experiences. 

Visits from families considering Meadowdale Academy for their child’s education are welcome and can be arranged via the school office. Our door is always open; we are always here to ensure that every child is nurtured and encouraged to be their very best self.


Miss Lindsay Coates
