

Reception is the beginning of some children’s learning journey in the Early Years Foundation Stage. During this year, children learn through play and opportunities to investigate learning.Our belief, that children learn quickly through their own interests and passions, continues to be embedded within our approach of providing every child the opportunity to be at the centre of their own learning.

Communication continues to be of high-value in Reception. Speaking, listening and understanding are developed throughout all experiences to ensure pupils are able to build lasting respectful and trusting relationships with peers.

Children participate in phonics sessions, through our school’s phonics scheme Read Write Inc., to support their learning of letter sounds. Early reading skills are learned through the sounds letters make and how these sounds are represented in written form. Writing activities are linked to shared books and interests of the children throughout the year. 

In mathematics, the children learn and master an understanding of number. Starting with 0-10, children are taught different numbers and how they relate to one another, ensuring a solid understanding of the meaning of number, how It can be represented and the relationships between numbers.  Children also investigate shape, space and measures to allow the pupils to experience a wide range of mathematics. 

Children leave reception, ready for their next stage of learning in Year 1.

Find termly curriculum overviews here.

Welcome from Miss Holmes – EYFS Lead

Exciting times ahead at Meadowdale!

I would first like to say how privileged I am to have been invited to be part of your school community at such a pivotal time for your children as they take the next steps on their learning journeys.

Early Years is my passion and I simply cannot wait to lead the development of a safe, stimulating and inspiring environment within which our children can play, learn and thrive alongside their friends and teachers. It is my aim to create a bright yet calm space, where everything has its place and children are encouraged to select their own resources in order to confidently take their learning forward in both our inside and outside classrooms. We are very lucky in Early Years to be able to take the lead from our pupils and I am sure that this will result in some fantastic paths of learning which we will fill with awe and wonder, enabling our children to reach for the stars and beyond!

We are not only here to educate and inspire our wonderful pupils, but also to support and guide the families of Meadowdale, as your children learn and grow. We will offer regular opportunities for ‘drop ins’ and open-door sessions linked to specific curriculum areas, but will also always be here if you simply need someone to talk to about anything – however big or small. Meadowdale is more than just a school – it is a community and we aim to establish this ethos right from the very start with our youngest learners.

A happy school community, who work together, creates happy, well-rounded children who are inspired to learn about the world around them and have a strong set of core values which will stay with them for the rest of their lives.

I look forward to meeting you all soon and building what I know will be an amazing Early Years team.

‘When we all work together, amazing things can happen!’

Your Early Years Leader – Becky Holmes

Year overview 22/23